Wednesday, December 25, 2019
Recommended Changes In Our Lending Practices - 1149 Words
With regards to matters of foreclosures, the situations that arise are often the result of families and/or individuals being impacted by various economic situations whether through job loss, illness, property de-valuation or fiscal irresponsibility, the problem is a complex one to solve. The nature of this essay is to take into consideration as many variables as possible and present options which may provide sensible value in which to aide those who befall under less fortunate circumstances as well as those circumstances that are more favorable. Preventative Measures: Financial Awareness Training The present climate surrounding financial education remains a nebulous subject. Often times the best and most recommended financial†¦show more content†¦One method in which to provide this is by allowing for clients to perform interest only payments at half the interest rate of their original loan amount. This will in turn allow the lenders to continue to receive revenue and allow for property owners to retain their property until which time the individual is able to rebound from their economic plight. If the economic condition were such where other loans such as home equity lines of credit outside of the traditional loan agreement existed, these secondary loan amounts could be placed in a suspended state until which time the financial situation improves for the individual. In order to address the financial risk impended on lenders the clients could agree upon improvement of their economic situation to allow a 1% interest rate increase on all secondary loan amounts as a form of reconciliation. Bonuses: Incentives for the Fiscally Responsible Often times we spend a considerable amount of time concerning the situations where support is offered only when situations are bad. This can often create resentment for those who we would deem financially stable and responsible. In order to ensure a measure of impartiality I would propose that financial institutions offer incentives or rewards to those who have continuouslyShow MoreRelatedChapter 1. Introduction. A Strong Banking Sector Is Very1200 Words  | 5 PagesCHAPTER 1 INTRODUCTION A strong banking sector is very important for developing economy. One of the most important functions of banking is lending money. It is generally encouraged because it has the effect of funds being transferred to productive use, it helps in growing economy. As there are pros and cons of everything, the same is in lending money that carries credit risk, which arises from the failure of borrower to fulfill its contractual obligation. The failure of the banking sector has anRead MoreDream Beauty998 Words  | 4 Pagesreceived a total of 3,600 orders. Retail orders amounted to 1,000; convenience stores to 2,500; and mass merchants had 100 orders. 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